Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bottle Caps

I love Bottle Caps candy. Brown ones are the best. they taste know!... they taste like brown Bottle Caps!


Kim from Kansas said...

I could go from some Cherry Pop Rocks about now...or one of those paper straws with the flavored sugar in them.

John In Colorado said...

pop rocks good. good texture and a fun experience to eat. i also love gobstoppers and warheads with the stuff in the middle. ever had those?

Kim from Kansas said...

Think I had a warhead around Halloween. They're sour, right?

Right now I have sugar-free Werther's and sugar-free strawberry Creme Saver's on hand to help curb my appetite when I want to eat too much.

John In Colorado said...

the ooze warheads. they are kinda hard, a bit chewy on the outside. stuff oozes out after you suck on them a bit. a little sour a little sweet.

? said...

You have a distinguishing palate. Quite impressive. I would've guessed they taste like chicken.

Actually, I love those brown bottle caps as well. Hopefully we both have good dental insurance.