I need 'em. I need people to tell me they like me, they like what I did, they like how I look, they like what I said. I used to think that touch was the way I needed love expressed but now I'm pretty darn sure that words do it for me. I'm looking for love and I need people to tell me they like and love me.
The funny part of the equation is that I am very weak at handing out and giving out words of affirmation. I need to be better at that. That's kind of wacky, don't you think?
Hey, you are wonderful for reading and leaving a comment that is so thoughtful and considerate. (practicing words of affirmation...)
i think i know what you mean. it feels good when someone compliments you. and yea... i suck at giving compliments back to people...
i don't know if i like it more than touch... but i think it comes pretty close.
honestly.. i don't think you are alone in feeling this way. i think it's pretty normal... if i knew i had to live life without anyone telling me they love me, or that i'm hot, or that i did a good job on something... I would be pretty sad...
i used to think i needed touch more than words of affirmation. maybe i did 15 years ago. i lopve physical touch. now i know i need words. i'm good at expressing love through touch but not so great at the compliments part. it's the perfectionist in me - it's hard to compliment when i can see mistakes or weaknesses.
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