Thursday, April 10, 2008


IMG_3993 6:00 a.m. awake. Hang in kitchen. "adios" to kids. shower

7:15 Scrape ice and snow off of car windows. Snow?

7:30 Meet Bill at Flatiron/Interlochen Starbuck's. discuss all things important: kids, jobs, Avalanche hockey, Starbuck's black logo, "Shout to the Lord" on Idol.

9:00 Arrive at work. Meet with Sami and Amy about Kids' Camp.

10:15 Straighten office for 11:30 VIP meeting. check email, clean up main CM space

11:30 Meet and talk with VIP

12:30 Give VIP tour of downstairs space

12:45 Hand off video project to editor

1:00 Meet with peers to debrief VIP meeting

2:00 Back in office. email. weekend prep.

3:30 This post

4:00 Weekend prep. powerpoint. music playlists. props gathered. stay at church until 8:30 so i can give L15 a ride home after youth group.

8:30 Home.

8:50 Weekend begins.

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