Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rider's Log 3.28.08 - BDCT - Standley Lake

Distance 16.2 miles. Ride time 1:23. Total Time 1:25. Avs 11.7. Temp 50 (gear note: @50 degrees i started with under layer and cold weather jersey = too cold. added wind jacket and it was perfect. shorts fine)

West to Standley Lake and road "the hill" 3 times and did not feel good or strong. (it is still March after all) Rode back on BDCT to Front Range Community College and then back home.

There is a big difference between doing flatland intervals and high % grade intervals! Reminder: if you want to get strong on hills/mountains, you've got to ride hills and mountains. I'm still hoping to find a short cut strategy for mountain strength.....

Saw nothing of interest other than the usual scurrying prairie dogs. They crack me up, those little buddies.

March Goal: 120 miles. So far: 163. 200? if i ride 25-30 today and a few tomorrow.

how are you doing on your exercise goals for 2008?

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